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Thoughts & Inspiration

Honestly this is something I never understood. It was something I was told a lot, but truly never understood the meaning of it until I signed up for the World Race. That is when celebrating the little victories took off. 

It makes me wonder how many times have we celebrated the big victories, but forgot about celebrating the little victories? Being completely honest I would always wait for the big victories and things like that to come and never take the time to think about the little victories. It seems so cliche, but for me I know the meaning behind that phrase now because I know the importance of when someone donates me $10 and will celebrate that victory. Not saying it isn’t good to celebrate the big things because it is, but I think we just need to take a moment to celebrate the little things. 

Since quarantine started I realized how many things I have taken for granted. Doing follow ups and meeting with people on the phone or through FaceTime has been the weirdest thing for me, but it has made me realize not to take things for granted. I realize now just HOW important meeting physically for church is for me. And I celebrate that. I am really the person that likes to celebrate people. I like knowing what God is doing in their life and I like to celebrate those things, but when it comes to my own life I don’t celebrate myself. I don’t allow myself to celebrate myself, but I am starting to do that. 

World Race has made me realize a lot of things just in general and God has moved in big ways and He has moved in little ways and I recognize both the big and little ways that God has moved in my life during this time. 

Is fundraising easy? No.

Is getting ready to go out on the mission field easy? Not really.

Do I have to trust God even more during this process? Heck yes. 

Trusting God in this process has been seen as difficult for me because I am the type of person that likes to have control. I like to be able to be in the drivers seat of all the things and God has quickly made me realize that I am not in control, but He is. And sometimes that is a hard pill for me to swallow, but I am slowly learning that good is coming out of God being in control and I am resting in that truth because He is good. He is good even when I don’t think my circumstances are good. He is good when everything around me is falling apart. He is good when heartbreak happens. He is good in all things. 

Maybe you need to celebrate the small victories today OR maybe you need to rest in the fact that our God is good in all things. Whichever boat you are in just know that you aren’t alone in this. 




God is good in ALL things and ALL situations. Rest in that truth tonight.