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Someone told me the other day they liked how I worship because they think I worship without limits and that I freely and loudly worship which came across as a little bit of a shock to me. 

I have always had a crooked view about worship. I liked worship, but I was always told I could not lift my hands, or that everyone would judge me if I did anything but stand there and sing. The church I have been at for a year and a half now was where God really changed how I viewed worship. Was it uncomfortable being fed that I could not lift my hands, to it be encouraged? Heck yes. And honestly for the longest time I always felt like I would be judged for the way I worshipped so I never really “dug deep” until the beginning of the year. 

I always let people dictate how I worshipped. I always let Satan tell me that I was being judged for the way I worship. I always felt uncomfortable lifting my hands up when nobody else around me was. 

I let how I used to view worship dictate how God was actually wanting me to worship Him. I’m not saying that you can’t not lift your hands in worship, but I always felt that nudge to worship that way, but never did because I felt uncomfortable doing it because I thought it was wrong, but in reality it was what God was wanting me to do. 

Now I love to worship. I love seeing others around me worship and I don’t (at least not all the time) let people dictate my worship. And it has for sure been a huge obstacle to overcome. 

I saw this quote the other day on Pinterest and it said “Worship looks different because it’s not about what others around you are doing. It’s about what God has done in you”

And that holds so much power and truth. It isn’t about what others think of the way you worship, it isn’t about feeling uncomfortable, it does not have anything to do about what is going on around you, but everything to do with what God has done in you and is going to continue to do through you. Now I love worshipping God and it is seriously one of my favorite things in the world to do. I worship loudly, freely, energetically, honestly, and without limits. 

Lets freely worship. Lets worship despite what others around us think. Let our worship be louder than our fear and worries. It all points back to our Father so let us do it without limits.